Bed Bug Protection International, LLC



One of the oldest species of insects to prey upon man is that of the Cimes lectularious otherwise known as the bed bug.  Bed bugs likely got the name from their habit of occupying beds, sofas, and other items used for sleeping.  This practice is the result of being an ectoparasite of primary humans, coupled with the fact that the bed bug is nocturnal.  This situation provides the shelter that bed bugs seek during the day, but also enables them to conveniently feed upon unsuspecting Philadelphians while they sleep.

Although these bugs have existed here long before colonial times, they were once made nearly extinct in America through the use of effective pesticides which also proved beneficial against mosquitoes and lice. Indeed, many of today's generation have never seen a bed bug.

However, due to an array of health issues, many pesticides were banned in the U.S. during the  1970's and 1980's, including DDT and Chlordane, even though these pests were quite common around many parts of the world, such as Africa, Asia, and Central and South America.
Additionally, international travel was becoming accessible and affordable. Hence, the bed bug not only managed to survive, but has been returning in number with a vengeance since the 1980's.

Due to their size, ability to conceal themselves most anywhere, and their late-night feeding times, ridding homes and businesses of this pest should only be attempted by a local Philadelphia bed bug control professional.


Adult bed bugs are about 3/16th of an inch (4-5 mm) in size.  They are oval and flat in shape which enables them to easily hide in cracks and crevices. They are rust-brown in color and turn reddish-brown after feeding.

Bed bugs will typically thrive in close proximity to each other and as a result, these “communes” often omit a sweet but obnoxious “buggy” odor. Additionally, blood spotting on mattresses, sofas, and other furnishings are an indication of a bed bug infestation.


Bed bugs are among the “blood feeder” groups of insects.  Humans are the preferred host of bed bugs.

Bed bugs have been found to be infected with as many as 25 different disease organisms, however there is no conclusive evidence that they have the ability to actually transmit disease to humans.

Although bed bug bites are painless, most people (80%) have an allergic reaction to the saliva that these insects inject while feeding.  This routinely results in mild swelling of the affected area, while red patches and severe swelling beyond the immediate bite area can occur in sensitive individuals.


Effective bed bug control for any Philadelphia residence should begin with a thorough inspection of the premises. That’s because bed bugs have the ability to exist under mattresses, bed frames, and other furniture, as well as floorboards, molding, drapery, behind loose wallpaper, and a myriad of cracks and crevices within the home.

After the selected treatment method has been administered, a follow-up inspection is usually scheduled.  Additionally, re-applications are not uncommon when bed bug eradication involves public domains or heavy residential infestations.

Finally, bed bug eradication can be complicated and is almost always labor intensive.  For these reasons an experienced, local Philadelphia-area bed bug exterminator should always be consulted if successful bed bug control is to be expected.

Experts concur:

“It is not advisable for homeowners to attempt to treat for bed bugs. Most of the necessary insecticides are not only for sale to and use by professional pest-management companies.  If homeowners try to control these bugs with over-the-counter products, the bed bugs likely will become dispersed, resulting in a more difficult treatment at a later date.”

--Bed Bug Fact Sheet 
College Of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Entomology Penn State University
10871 Bustleton Avenue Suite 220
Philadelphia, PA 19116
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A Division Of Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.